Welcome to the Website of
Peterborough & District Family History Society
We hope you enjoy your visit to our website.
Whilst visiting our website, please look at our Archives Names Index which has over 200,000 names - not all of them relating to people in the Peterborough area, indeed many are for people outside the UK. Who knows, you might find that elusive ancestor.
MEMBERS, don't forget you have internet access to ALL our archives.
The Society was founded in 1980 so 2020 was our 40th Birthday. Due to the pandemic our celebration plans have been put on hold. Our 40th ANNIVERSARY JOURNAL is in Society News and recounts some events from the Society's history .
The 2024 Archive update was added on 14 Nov. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this delay.
New files are shown in RED in the Archive Subject Index and the individual names in the Additional Names file at the start of the Archive Names Index. These names have also been merged into the appropriate alphabetical file in the Archive Names Index
SOCIETY NEWS has the latest Newsletter.
The Journals are in the Members Area.